Monday, September 28, 2020

Week 24- M-m-m-my Corona (virus, not beer) ๐Ÿ˜ท

 March 16, 2020

HOLY HECK THIS WEEK HAS BEEN THE LONGEST WEEK OF MY LIFE. It was definitely the week of Friday the 13th.

OKAY SO last Monday during our P-day activity, a silly Elder from our district decided to jump off a hecking roof and broke his ankle in 3 places and has to get surgery, but he's not getting sent home. The previous P-day there was also another Elder who broke his leg. This is why we have rules, people! That day was also crazy because a member wanted to come get us early and take us out to eat but then they felt bad when they found out it was P-day so they just brought us Chick-fil-a for the umpteenth time in the last three days, but what can you do besides smile, say thank you, and force yourself to eat it? I love Chick-fil-a, but I will not be having it any time soon. But that night we got my bike back and it had no more flat tires!

However, whenever I started to bike it the next morning, it was not working! And in fact, I fell off it because it was not working. And let me tell you, am I glad I was wearing a helmet! So here's what happened: my bike turned sideways and so my leg got caught between the pedal and the metal bar, and it got bruised. Then I landed on my tail bone, my left elbow, and then WACK! The back of my head smacked into the road. I was wearing a helmet, so I was okay, and I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for that! But I did have a sore neck, a bad headache, and a bit of whiplash from it. I'm doing better now! But after I fell off, I told Sister Beckstrand that I was okay and we kept on working. Except I had a bad headache so we had to stop at a member's house so I could sit down, take medicine, and wash my bloody elbow and leg. But I am fine, I promise! That night we went to an interfaith service project, where we got to help fill Easter eggs! Then we started exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders, and so Sister Haymore came back to my area with me :) 

Wednesday morning Sister Haymorr and I went to go to our lesson with Pete, and he didn't show up. Then we tracted, and it was then that we found out that Coronavirus was going to impact General Conference and the MTC. Sister Haymore and I managed to freak ourselves out and got worried about being sent home. But there was a miracle in all the chaos! A few weeks ago with Sister Jones, we met this girl named Samantha and helped her set up for her son's birthday party in the apartment complex's clubhouse. Well, we were knocking on a door in the apartment complex and who did we find? Samantha! She's not really interested right now but she was really appreciative of the help we gave her that day, and that was cool! We went to go to our lesson with Dan, and he also didn't show up. Sister Haymore and I went and saw the puppies again! They are getting so big! We met at the temple with the other sisters to exchange back, and then we went to help out with a youth activity, which was fun!

On Thursday we went to service and then did visits and then finally went to get my bike fixed. We also found out that church meetings aren't happening because of coronavirus that day :| Okay y'all, I am not worried about being sick! That is not my concern. I am worried about being quarantined and stuck inside all day! 

On Friday we went to district council and did visits. We visited a member who gave us like four referrals, and that was awesome, except we didn't get to visit all of them because we had to leave for dinner. But one of them that we did visit told us that we couldn't come in because of coronavirus :/ That night we helped set up for Heather Turner's wedding! She is a returning member we have been teaching and she is so sweet and her story is incredible! We found out that night that the first case of coronavirus was found in Idaho, and there was a rumor going around that it was in my area, but it wasn't. But we are under threat of being quarantined and so I'm nervous!

On Saturday morning we had a stake breakfast coordination meeting, which we biked to, which would have been fine except it was raining, and our mission President showed up to that meeting so we were soaked when we got there, but it was fine! I actually like biking and I like rain, but my companion was not too happy with me ¯\_(ใƒ„)_/¯ what can I say? I just work here. That day we helped get everything ready for Heather's wedding and that was a but stressful because the lady who was supposed to bring the cake didn't show up until AFTER the wedding ceremony, when the reception had already started. When she did show up she was crying so it was just a big mess, and the cake wasn't finished, so she ask me to finish decorating it ๐Ÿ˜‚ Bro, I don't know anything about cake but I tried my best and she said it looked good! But Heather and Steve looked so happy so all the stress was worth it! Heather cancelled our lesson that night too so that was rough. But it's okay, We visited our ward mission leader and got more referrals! That night we found out that a set of missionaries in a different part of the mission had been exposed to someone who tested positive for coronavirus and had exposed 10 other missionaries, and now they are all in quarantine. 

Sunday was different! It was good, but it was just different. We had sacrament with our neighbors that live upstairs which was fun, then we did Come Follow Me with the Larsons which turned into an awesome lesson because they invited their neighbor, Amy who is super cute and cool! But we weren't planning on doing a lesson with her, she just decided to participate! It was awesome! We also got to have a Family Home Evening with one of our bishops, and that was fun! We had a second sacrament with them too :)

Anyway, that's all I got for you! I hope everyone is doing well and that you're all safe! Let me know how you are all doing! I love you all! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! 

Jacob 5:61
Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit.

-Sister Hatch 

P.S. I also discovered these fun family history activities on the Family Search app, and they are super cool! For one of the activities, you can put your face in place of the face of someone in an old photograph! It's so fun! 

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