Monday, September 28, 2020

Week 26- Things are still okay!

March 30, 2020

Hey everybody, how are you? Things are still okay here in Boise! I'm just trying to stay sane and positive! We actually find out about transfers today so I'll let you know whether I'm staying or going (I hope I stay, I have been here for a hot minute but it would suck to leave now when everything is wack) 
Despite everything though, it's been a good week! The Elder that jumped off a roof went home, and so we did a "funeral picture". We also made memes. We did service at the Salvation army on Tuesday and Wednesday morning! We also had an online Book of Mormon class, which was small but it was really fun! 
On Wednesday we made a really silly video! If you want to see that, it's on my Facebook page! 
Nothing much happened on Thursday except weekly planning :) 
On Friday we had district council, it was pretty fun! We brought pizza and cake for afterwards! Little did we know it would be the last in person district council we would be allowed to have for a while, because the governor of Idaho put out a "stay at home" order. I also got to talk to my family and my dog! That night we had a missionary discussion class, and that was so fun! It was so great to see some of my friends and family there, and then to talk about things that mean a lot to me with them made me feel happy! 
On Saturday we had the Eagle Sisters come over to our house and we did companionship study and we made a funny song! I have to try to explain this, because it won't make any sense if you just watch the video. There's an Elder Hatch in our mission (we found out that we are fifth cousins once removed) and he is just such a meme. So he made these really bad missionary raps that don't make any sense and don't rhyme, and some of the lyrics are "tent flap", so that's what we based our song off of.
Yesterday was a lot of online meetings and sacrament with our upstairs neighbors, we also watched 17 Miracles that night, and that was superb! 
Anyway, I'm doing well! For my friends who had to get sent home from their missions or are getting reassigned, please know that I love you! David A. Bednar gave a really good talk on this subject called "Called to the Work". Also online proselyting is an interesting process, but I'm learning! I love you all, I hope you have a good week and wash your hands! 

Enos 1:5-6
5 And there came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed.
6 And I, Enos, knew that God could not lie; wherefore, my guilt was swept away.

-Sister Hatch

P.S. my Aunt Lori mailed me an awesome CTR (that stands for Choose the Right) mask!  

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