Sunday, February 9, 2020

Week 9- Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

December 2, 2019
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hey everybody! This week was amazing!

Last P-day we got a call from one of our bishops saying that he had just spoken to Angela (someone we're teaching) and she told him she wants to be baptized! So that was a miracle! We also built a cool fort and we decorated a Christmas tree for the city hall!
On Tuesday we spent more time than we thought making a video for Light the World. It was fun, and one of the Elders was able to borrow a color guard flag from someone in their ward so I got to spin it and that felt so good! The APs were supposed to help us with our video, and they were supposed to unlock the building we were meeting in, but they called us right when we were meeting and told us they couldn't come, which was dumb because they could have at least given us more notice, because then we were locked outside in the cold until some other Elders could come open the building, and then they ended up playing the APs part in the video, so that was actually funny. I'll share some behind the scenes pictures with y'all. One of the Elders used my apron, and it looks really funny.
On Wednesday I got sick so we spent some of the day inside, and then when we did go out, it was the day before Thanksgiving so people were not home or did not want to see us, and that was kind of sad, but then we went and saw Kim and Betty and that was so fun! We love them, they make our week so much better! We also found someone to teach named Caroline! She is older and smokes a lot, but she is so sweet and tells really interesting stories!
Thursday was THANKSGIVING! We went to see Frozen 2!!! AND I LOVED IT! THERE WERE SO MANY GOSPEL PRINCIPLES IN IT! IT MADE ME SO HAPPY! And don't worry, we got permission from our mission president to see it! We also had dinner with an awesome family, the Maxfields who gave us SOOOO MANY leftovers, which was great! Then we hung out with our district, and you know when they tell missionaries not to do dumb things? Well, missionaries do dumb things anyway. I'll send a picture that might show you what I mean. We tried to get a frisbee down when it got stuck up on a high ledge. Then we had pie with the Cliftens, and they gave us WAYYY too many leftovers too! We called Angela and she confirmed that she wants to be baptized!
So on Friday we had Thanksgiving for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We also had district council and made a lot of good visits! It was still kind of crazy from the holiday though. BUT IT STARTED SNOWING! AND I LOVE IT!
Saturday we went to see Angela and talk about some of the things that she needs to do to be baptized,  and she is so amazing! She is willing to give up a lot to follow Jesus Christ and that is so awesome! 
We also invited a bunch of people to watch the Christ Child video at one of our bishop's house (the same one that visited Angela, he is so sweet) We also got to visit Irma and Eugene and show them the Christ Child video, which Irma was like "well they didn't show the part where they move to Egypt" and so she didn't like it but that's okay, we showed her other Bible videos and she liked those ones! She's so funny.
Sunday was a good day! Angela came to church and it was a great experience! It was also funny because Elder Gonzalez of the quorum of the seventy showed up to our sacrament meeting, because his son is in our ward and they were in town for Thanksgiving. So that was really funny and cool! Someone had a baby blessing that Sunday too, and Elder Gonzalez participated in that! It was really awesome! We went and visited Kandra that night, and she is amazing, she is so open to hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ! She's so cute! And then we went and saw Kim and Betty and helped them decorate their house! It was a really good week! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Let me know! I love you all!

Mosiah 16:9
He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.

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