Monday, September 28, 2020

Week 29- I wish random men would stop showing up

April 20, 2020

Hey Everyone! Sorry for the concerning email title, I promise I will explain

This week was good, I feel bad that my emails have been a bit dull so I made it a goal to look for things to put in my email! So since I moved tot his SO Tuesday was a lot of studying and so we were sitting in our study room which has a window so that we can see our front yard and suddenly this buff bald guy with tattoos comes riding up on his motorcycle and parks in front of our house and we were like uhhhhh and we saw him grab a wrench and make his way to the door and Soster Clark was freaking out, bit he actually just came to fix the sink and no one told us. He was actually really nice, but since we didn't know he was coming we had to find somewhere else to be since no one told us he was coming. He didn't actually fix the sink but he drained the pipes
On Wednesday we were going about our normal isolated missionary business and then two more guys came to fix the sink! And they got on the roof for some reason but they fixed the sink but then they needed to call an electrician but everything is fixed now, but I just wish they would tell us when they were sending men over to fix our sink so we could find somewhere to be ahead of time. We had a training over ZOOM with the whole mission on how to use technology and that was really good. We also had our missionary discussion class and that was good! Y'all should join that by the way!
On Thursday we called all our bishops and ward mission leaders to give them update and discuss more ideas on how we can still do missionary work! We have also been working on memory mats for Alzheimers patients as an at home service projects! You can still serve at home! 
Not much happened on Friday except district council over messenger. 
On Saturday we had a lesson with a less active member of the church and they are so sweet and fun, we really enjoyed it! Another set of sister missionaries moved in with us that day! Sister Cannon and Hermana Martin, they are so fun! We also had our Come Follow Me lesson that night and that was awesome! 
On Sunday we had meeting after meeting and it was really fun but really tiring! We also watched an old church movie called Legacy, which was really good! Sister Clark also made me play monopoly with her, and I almost passed away of monotony! 
Anyway, that's all this week, folks! I hope you are doing well, let me know how you are! Love you all!
Mosiah 2:17
And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

-Sister Hatch


Week 28- HAPPY EASTER 🌷🌻🐇🐣

April 13, 2020


I'm so glad I get to serve my mission during Holy Week and Easter! I wish I could go out at this time, but that is okay. I will be here next Easter! :) hopefully there won't be a pandemic that time though. Anyway, Jesus Christ is risen and He lives! I know that to be true through the power of the Holy Ghost. Because of Him, we all will live again!

This week has been pretty uneventful, we are mostly trying to implement all of the online work in this area, since there was previously not much going on before we got here. 
So on Wednesay we had our missionary discussion class and on Saturday we had a Book of Mormon class, and those were fun! We have had a few online member visits this week too! On Thursday I had an irritated eye and it was swollen almost completely shut and I couldn't see and was basically sobbing all day because it hurt so bad. But it got better eventually! 
On Friday we participated in the World-wide fast, and I am so excited to experience the blessings that come from that! 
And then Sunday was Easter and we didn't do much but it was still a good day :) 
Anyway, I hope you all had an amazing week! And that you are happy and healthy! Let me know how you are doing! 

Mosiah 3:7 
7 And lo, he shall suffer temptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death; for behold, blood cometh from every pore, so great shall be his anguish for the wickedness and the abominations of his people.

-Sister Hatch

Week 27- I don't know anymore man

April 6, 2020

Sorry that my email is so late! This week was crazy and a bit overwhelming so I will see if I can remember anything, haha! 

Well first of all, I did in fact get transferred, but I was sad when I found out so I didn't feel like telling all of you, sorry :(

But it's okay! We spent all of Tuesday packing and then there was an earthquake! I was so shocked I didn't know what to do, it was only a few seconds though, so we just stood there until it stopped, my poor companion kept asking "did you feel that?" Later that day. We are all fine though! That night we had one last lesson with Heather, I'm going to miss her and her cute family! And we had our online class. Sister Schneider, Sister Beckstrand's new companion, stayed the night with us that night. (She went home on Thursday and now Sister Beckstrand is in a trio with Sister Shipley!)

Wednesday I left and I am now living in a huge house! It's very different from the itsy bitsy apartment I left, but I sure do miss my Meridian North people! 
Nothing much happened on Thursday and Friday BUT Saturday and Sunday were GENERAL CONFERENCE!  
And man, were these ones AMAZING! I loved them! I love the new proclamation and I loved how much they talked about preparing ourselves and the world for the coming of Christ! 
I'm sorry I have to cut my email short, O ran out of time! But I'll see you next week!


Week 26- Things are still okay!

March 30, 2020

Hey everybody, how are you? Things are still okay here in Boise! I'm just trying to stay sane and positive! We actually find out about transfers today so I'll let you know whether I'm staying or going (I hope I stay, I have been here for a hot minute but it would suck to leave now when everything is wack) 
Despite everything though, it's been a good week! The Elder that jumped off a roof went home, and so we did a "funeral picture". We also made memes. We did service at the Salvation army on Tuesday and Wednesday morning! We also had an online Book of Mormon class, which was small but it was really fun! 
On Wednesday we made a really silly video! If you want to see that, it's on my Facebook page! 
Nothing much happened on Thursday except weekly planning :) 
On Friday we had district council, it was pretty fun! We brought pizza and cake for afterwards! Little did we know it would be the last in person district council we would be allowed to have for a while, because the governor of Idaho put out a "stay at home" order. I also got to talk to my family and my dog! That night we had a missionary discussion class, and that was so fun! It was so great to see some of my friends and family there, and then to talk about things that mean a lot to me with them made me feel happy! 
On Saturday we had the Eagle Sisters come over to our house and we did companionship study and we made a funny song! I have to try to explain this, because it won't make any sense if you just watch the video. There's an Elder Hatch in our mission (we found out that we are fifth cousins once removed) and he is just such a meme. So he made these really bad missionary raps that don't make any sense and don't rhyme, and some of the lyrics are "tent flap", so that's what we based our song off of.
Yesterday was a lot of online meetings and sacrament with our upstairs neighbors, we also watched 17 Miracles that night, and that was superb! 
Anyway, I'm doing well! For my friends who had to get sent home from their missions or are getting reassigned, please know that I love you! David A. Bednar gave a really good talk on this subject called "Called to the Work". Also online proselyting is an interesting process, but I'm learning! I love you all, I hope you have a good week and wash your hands! 

Enos 1:5-6
5 And there came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed.
6 And I, Enos, knew that God could not lie; wherefore, my guilt was swept away.

-Sister Hatch

P.S. my Aunt Lori mailed me an awesome CTR (that stands for Choose the Right) mask!  

Week 25- From Around the Corner and Across the Globe... the Safety Zone Saved My Life

March 23, 2020

Hey everyone! This week has been literally crazy, but there were still miracles! 

Last Monday night after P-day, we got to feed Bishop Johnson's donkeys! They were so cute! The light colored one is Daisy, and the darker one is Marigold! 
So last Sunday night we were told we cannot visit anyone unless we had appointments ahead of time, and so on Tuesday we tried to set up visits but it wasn't working out so we mostly visited members, we also met with one of our ward history leaders to try to learn more about family history, since we are moving towards online missionary work.
On Wednesday we had interviews with our mission president and I was basically told that I was going to stay in the area next transfer, but nothing is for sure with the coronavirus. 
Oh boy, this is the part of my week that was the most exciting. Let me preface by saying that me and my companion are completely safe! 
OKAY So this story actually goes way back to the MTC back in October, when we watched all the Safety Zone videos. If you don't know, the Safety Zone videos are these cheesy videos they make you watch in the MTC that are about keeping missionaries safe, and they start with "from around the corner and across the globe, it'sthe safety zone". WELL, me and my companion and our roommates (If you are reading this Sisters Shipley, Lantz, and Oleson, I love you!) And we got to the carbon monoxide one, and I felt the tiniest little nudge telling me that I needed to remember that video specifically. I didn't know why then, but I know why now. So around 1am on Thursday morning, I heard the Carbon Monoxide alarm upstairs (we live in a member of the church's basement) go off, and I immediately woke up and sat right up, because I knew exactly what that alarm meant. However, for some reason I still found myself questioning whether it was really an emergency or just an malfunction. It was, after all, 1 in the morning and I didn't want to bother everyone and wake them all up if it was a false alarm. I went and checked the water heater in our bathroom, because it has a light indicator that tells you if something is wrong, and based on that, it was functioning normally, but I still wasn't sure. So I prayed to know what to do, and just then I heard the members upstairs (the Osiers) get up and turn it off. WELL I was still a little nervous so I didn't go back to bed yet, and I heard the alarm go off again. And I was like, oh heck, this could be bad. And still I wasn't sure if I should bug everybody, because my companion was asleep and I knew she would be upset if I woke her up. So I opened the window and got on a sweater and socks to prepare myself in case I did decide to wake everyone up, and said another prayer, "Heavenly Father, should I act on this?" And then I heard the Osiers get up and turn off the alarm again. And so at this point I was kind of panicking. If everyone in the house died it would be MY fault because I didn't say anything. Honestly, I'm not sure why I was so hesitant, I had already heard it gone off twice, and I should have acted the first time. And then finally the alarm went off a third time and I said to myself "yep, there is your answer again, you need to act NOW". So I said a prayer that my companion wouldn't be mad at me for waking her up. And I said, "Sister Beckstrand?" And she said, "what." And I told her, "the carbon monoxide alarm has gone off three times upstairs and I think we should go check it out." And so she agreed, and we went outside and around to the back door (our apartment doesn't connect to the upstairs on the inside) and we knocked and they answered. So I said, "I heard the alarm and we wanted to check to see if everything was okay" and so after we talked briefly, the members decided to call the fire department. So we did, and we were waiting outside. Well there are two basement apartments under the Osiers, and our neighbor and her son hadn't heard the alarm. So we called her and she answered luckily, and she and her son got out too. She later told us that normally her phone is on do not disturb late at night, and so the fact that her phone went off at all had to have been divine intervention.  Anyway, the fire department showed up and when they opened the door, they told us that the carbon monoxide levels were already abnormal. The paramedics arrived to test us all while they inspected the house, and another miracle is that none of us had high levels of carbon monoxide or any symptoms besides slight light headedness. The fire department told us that 35 parts per million of CO was a cause for concern, and come to find out, the furnace in the garage wasn't ventilating properly, and was just blowing CO into the house. The was 150 parts per million in the garage, 50 in our apartment, and there was about 23 at the front door where the fire department first started testing. Basically, we could have all died. But none of us did and we lived to tell the story! The fire department ventilated the apartment and turned off everything that could cause any more CO problems, and we all went inside finally around 2:45 am and went back to bed... Sort of. I wish I could say that was all that happened that night, but NOPE. I was trying to sleep but for some reason I just couldn't, and so I got up to use the restroom. I opened the door and felt drops of water. Coming from the ceiling. And it was like a lot. It wasn't a little. And I was so done because it was about 3:30am and we had almost died already and now the ceiling was leaking. Wanna know why? Because the fire department had shut everything off and now something somewhere was not working anymore. So we had to call the Osiers and so Brother Osier spent a good portion of the morning trying to find out where it was coming from, BY CUTTING HOLES IN THE CEILING. At first he was just using a hand saw but then it was taking too long so he got the power saw. At 3:45 in the morning.... and so we found the spot where it was leaking from and we couldn't get it fixed right then so we just put a bunch of pots and bowls around the area to catch the water. By the time all the cutting and drying and picking up drywall was done, it was 4:30am and we had to be up fro zone conference in 2 hours. I knew that if I went to sleep then, I wouldn't wake up until like noon so we just stayed awake and wrote wrote talks for zone conference just in case we got called on. But at that point, we were just so glad to be alive! There were a lot of miracles that came from that night. None of us were hurt! And it was honestly weird to think about the possibility of "I could actually be dead right now", it's interesting how your perspective changes. But I'm okay, I promise! 
 Right after that, we had zone conference. The worst part was that the zone conference was over the phone and so it was SO hard to stay awake! 
It was there that we found out that we are to be in "self isolation", so that means we can't leave the house unless we go to the store, on short walks, or to planned service projects. Everything else is done by phone :/ But it has been good! We have had two lessons with people we are teaching over the phone so far, and it hasn't been that bad! We are also trying to post more things on Facebook! So make sure that we are friends on Facebook so you can see my posts! We are also doing classes over ZOOM. I'll send the links for those. Every Tuesday night at 7pm is a Book of Mormon class, following Come Follow Me, and every Friday night at 7pm is a missionary lesson! They will be really cool, so make sure to tune in!
I'm trying to think if there is anything else... OH YEAH, we watched the fighting preacher with our upstairs neighbors, and it was SO GOOD! We are now allowed to watch one uplifting church movie a week! So that's pretty cool. I also finally took a picture with the two lion statues that the Osiers have in the front yard, Charlie and Leopold! Anyway, that is pretty much all I got for ya! I love you all, let me know how you're doing! Have a safe week and don't get Coronavirus! 

Helaman 5:12
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

-Sister Hatch

Also pineapple bandaids are cool 

Week 24- M-m-m-my Corona (virus, not beer) 😷

 March 16, 2020

HOLY HECK THIS WEEK HAS BEEN THE LONGEST WEEK OF MY LIFE. It was definitely the week of Friday the 13th.

OKAY SO last Monday during our P-day activity, a silly Elder from our district decided to jump off a hecking roof and broke his ankle in 3 places and has to get surgery, but he's not getting sent home. The previous P-day there was also another Elder who broke his leg. This is why we have rules, people! That day was also crazy because a member wanted to come get us early and take us out to eat but then they felt bad when they found out it was P-day so they just brought us Chick-fil-a for the umpteenth time in the last three days, but what can you do besides smile, say thank you, and force yourself to eat it? I love Chick-fil-a, but I will not be having it any time soon. But that night we got my bike back and it had no more flat tires!

However, whenever I started to bike it the next morning, it was not working! And in fact, I fell off it because it was not working. And let me tell you, am I glad I was wearing a helmet! So here's what happened: my bike turned sideways and so my leg got caught between the pedal and the metal bar, and it got bruised. Then I landed on my tail bone, my left elbow, and then WACK! The back of my head smacked into the road. I was wearing a helmet, so I was okay, and I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for that! But I did have a sore neck, a bad headache, and a bit of whiplash from it. I'm doing better now! But after I fell off, I told Sister Beckstrand that I was okay and we kept on working. Except I had a bad headache so we had to stop at a member's house so I could sit down, take medicine, and wash my bloody elbow and leg. But I am fine, I promise! That night we went to an interfaith service project, where we got to help fill Easter eggs! Then we started exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders, and so Sister Haymore came back to my area with me :) 

Wednesday morning Sister Haymorr and I went to go to our lesson with Pete, and he didn't show up. Then we tracted, and it was then that we found out that Coronavirus was going to impact General Conference and the MTC. Sister Haymore and I managed to freak ourselves out and got worried about being sent home. But there was a miracle in all the chaos! A few weeks ago with Sister Jones, we met this girl named Samantha and helped her set up for her son's birthday party in the apartment complex's clubhouse. Well, we were knocking on a door in the apartment complex and who did we find? Samantha! She's not really interested right now but she was really appreciative of the help we gave her that day, and that was cool! We went to go to our lesson with Dan, and he also didn't show up. Sister Haymore and I went and saw the puppies again! They are getting so big! We met at the temple with the other sisters to exchange back, and then we went to help out with a youth activity, which was fun!

On Thursday we went to service and then did visits and then finally went to get my bike fixed. We also found out that church meetings aren't happening because of coronavirus that day :| Okay y'all, I am not worried about being sick! That is not my concern. I am worried about being quarantined and stuck inside all day! 

On Friday we went to district council and did visits. We visited a member who gave us like four referrals, and that was awesome, except we didn't get to visit all of them because we had to leave for dinner. But one of them that we did visit told us that we couldn't come in because of coronavirus :/ That night we helped set up for Heather Turner's wedding! She is a returning member we have been teaching and she is so sweet and her story is incredible! We found out that night that the first case of coronavirus was found in Idaho, and there was a rumor going around that it was in my area, but it wasn't. But we are under threat of being quarantined and so I'm nervous!

On Saturday morning we had a stake breakfast coordination meeting, which we biked to, which would have been fine except it was raining, and our mission President showed up to that meeting so we were soaked when we got there, but it was fine! I actually like biking and I like rain, but my companion was not too happy with me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what can I say? I just work here. That day we helped get everything ready for Heather's wedding and that was a but stressful because the lady who was supposed to bring the cake didn't show up until AFTER the wedding ceremony, when the reception had already started. When she did show up she was crying so it was just a big mess, and the cake wasn't finished, so she ask me to finish decorating it 😂 Bro, I don't know anything about cake but I tried my best and she said it looked good! But Heather and Steve looked so happy so all the stress was worth it! Heather cancelled our lesson that night too so that was rough. But it's okay, We visited our ward mission leader and got more referrals! That night we found out that a set of missionaries in a different part of the mission had been exposed to someone who tested positive for coronavirus and had exposed 10 other missionaries, and now they are all in quarantine. 

Sunday was different! It was good, but it was just different. We had sacrament with our neighbors that live upstairs which was fun, then we did Come Follow Me with the Larsons which turned into an awesome lesson because they invited their neighbor, Amy who is super cute and cool! But we weren't planning on doing a lesson with her, she just decided to participate! It was awesome! We also got to have a Family Home Evening with one of our bishops, and that was fun! We had a second sacrament with them too :)

Anyway, that's all I got for you! I hope everyone is doing well and that you're all safe! Let me know how you are all doing! I love you all! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! 

Jacob 5:61
Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit.

-Sister Hatch 

P.S. I also discovered these fun family history activities on the Family Search app, and they are super cool! For one of the activities, you can put your face in place of the face of someone in an old photograph! It's so fun! 

Week 23- Puppies Make Everything Better

March 9, 2020 

Hello Everybody, Happy Monday! (Well, for me, probably not for all of my friends at school and work) 

Last Monday we had a really fun activity at a members house that was SO FANCY! They had a trampoline park, volleyball, tennis, and basketball courts, a soccer field, and tether ball! And a pool, but we are not allowed to swim. It was super fun and it was great to bounce on trampolines and catch up with some sisters I haven't seen in a while! 
Tuesday night there was a really cool Women's Conference for our stake, we invited a lot of people and none of them came :( But the conference was great! It was about Eve, her role in God's plan, our role in God's plan, and how Eve's story can help us! 
Sadly Pete cancelled our lesson for Wednesday, but we rescheduled for next week, so hopefully that goes well! We tried to go to our usual service at the old folk's home, but they told us they weren't allowing any volunteers in because of Coronavirus. Everyone is unnecessarily panicked here, but hopefully it will all calm down soon. We got to hold puppies at a members house who breeds dogs, and their dog just had a litter of goldendoodles! They are so precious! We had a lesson with Heather on Wednesday night, she is so sweet, I love her! I hope she can see how much Christ can bless her life! 
Thursday was sad. We stayed inside ALL DAY because my companion was sick, and I was so bored. 
On Friday we had a lesson with Scott, and that went well! We taught him about faith, repentance, baptism, and the holy ghost! We used a neat bicycle analogy that really helped him understand what we were teaching him. We also biked to district council in Eagle, then we did work in our furthest ward, which is not that far, but at the end of the day when we calculated our miles (just out of curiosity) we found out that we actually biked 20.1 miles that day. It was then that I realized that maybe I work my companions too hard :/ 
On Saturday, we just did a lot of visits and have been inviting a lot of people to this really neat event that is happening in our stake called "The Living Last Supper", where they recreate the painting "The Last Supper" by DaVinci with real people. 
On Sunday we did our usual thing, church and a lot of meetings! The members we had dinner with are great people :) Our ward mission leader also gave us snacks! The members here are amazing, I love them! And I love all of you, let me know how you are doing!
So that's all that happened this week, but I do have a few more things to say! 
The prophet Russell M. Nelson recently put out a video in which he invites us to hear Jesus Christ! It is so awesome, and you can watch it at
ALSO I just wanted to say that there are a lot of hard things in the world, and a lot of people who seek to deceive . Chad Daybell is one of those people. Now I bring this up because it is something that has affected my area specifically. Just know that although Mr.Daybell claims to be a member of our church, HE IN NO WAY REPRESENTS WHAT WE BELIEVE. Someone in one of my wards abandoned their husband and kids to follow this nut job and go camp out in the woods. So if you see his name on the news, just know that he is not a true disciple of Jesus Christ, and he is not a leader of our church. We only follow Jesus Christ! 

Mormon 9:21
Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth.